Pies and cakes
The Ancuța’s cozonac made by the ladies from Codăești
Ingredients for 2 sweet breads:
- 1000-1200 g high-quality flour
- 50 g fresh yeast
- 8-10 egg yolks
- 600 ml milk
- 250 g sugar
- Approximately 200 g fat (butter, oil)
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
Filling Ingredients:
- Walnuts
- Sugar
- Cocoa
- Turkish delight (Rahat)
- Vanilla or rum extract
Make sure all ingredients are at room temperature.
Start by preparing a sponge with a handful of flour mixed with a bit of warm milk and dissolved yeast. Mix well and let it sit until it becomes bubbly. This is the sponge (maiaua).
In a large bowl, combine the remaining flour, egg yolks, salt, and warm milk with dissolved sugar.
Mix in the sponge and knead the dough until smooth, which should take at least 20-30 minutes.
Cover the dough with a clean cloth and let it rise.
Divide the risen dough into four equal parts. Roll out each part into a thin sheet.
Spread the walnut filling over the dough. The filling is made by mixing chopped walnuts with sugar, cocoa, and flavorings. You can also add small pieces of Turkish delight or raisins soaked in rum.
Roll up the dough into a log. Repeat this process with two logs to create one sweet bread.
Allow the sweet breads to rest for about an hour in a tray to rise further.