
Cabbage Rolls with Cracked Wheat

Recipe collected from
Stanta Mare

Santa Mare: Sweet Recipe for Cabbage Rolls with Cracked Wheat”


We got lost in the scenery along the Prut Valley and didn’t even realize when we crossed from Iași to Botoșani County, and the sign said “Santa Mare.” Since we’re here, we thought we’d explore the birthplace of the famous actor Mihai Mereuță. We also remembered Rânghilești, the place where the most modern agricultural and zootechnical farm in Romania from the early 20th century operated and where Romania gained its reputation as “the granary of Europe,” thanks to an Armenian landowner who lived in Rânghilești.


The old manor still stands as a testament, as do the stories of the elders in the commune, and a cuisine that reminds us that corn was once a vital source of food. Our host, Mrs. Daniela, tells us that her grandparents often ate cabbage rolls or sorrel soup, so we asked her to cook one of these traditional recipes for us.


For cabbage rolls with cracked wheat, you’ll need cracked wheat (washed in 2-3 waters), pickled cabbage, tomato paste, a bit of dried thyme, a bit of pepper, bay leaves, smoked bacon, oil, onions, carrots, tomatoes, a mix of lean and fatty pork, an egg, parsley, salt, and pepper.


Our host promptly organized all the ingredients and began to clean the vegetables. The carrots were grated finely, and the onions were finely chopped. The saying among housewives goes: the finer you chop the ingredients for cabbage rolls, the more skilled the cook is considered. In our case, we lucked out and found one of the most skilled cooks in the commune.


Returning to our recipe, the hot oil in a pan is where the chopped onions are placed. Once they change color, add the grated carrots. After they’ve softened, add a few spoonfuls of tomato paste, a bit of tomato juice, and finally the washed cracked wheat and a bit of water. After everything is sautéed, remove it from the heat, place it in a bowl, add the rest of the ingredients, mix well, and let it cool.


Meanwhile, prepare the cabbage: first, select the cabbage leaves for the rolls, and chop the rest to place at the bottom of the pot to prevent the rolls from sticking and to cover them.


As for quantities? As much as you need, depending on the size of the pots and the number of guests.


How do you prepare a cabbage leaf for rolls? Cut the cabbage leaf in half and remove the veins to make it smooth. Finely chop the leftover bits and set them aside.


How do we fill the cabbage rolls? Take a cabbage leaf, put some filling with a spoon, and then roll them up. It’s that simple!


Mrs. Daniela rolled dozens of them, and then she began placing them in the prepared pot, adding a few slices of smoked bacon among them for extra flavor. She continued this process until all the rolls were neatly packed. Finally, she covered them with another layer of chopped cabbage, added tomato juice, bay leaves, and hot water, then placed them on the stove to simmer.


During the fasting period, the filling for cabbage rolls is adapted to customs, and the meat can be replaced with chopped mushrooms—preferably mushrooms carefully picked by knowledgeable foragers from the local forests.


As she told us more about the commune and the beauty of the Prut River, two hours had passed, and it was time to taste the cabbage rolls. Once they were cooked, we continued our conversations at the table, savoring the delicious rolls covered in sour cream, served with steaming polenta.

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