Chicken soup
Chicken soup is one of the main dishes when it’s not fasting time. Everyone has chickens and roosters. People often refer to roosters and popular beliefs. Roosters are seen as leaders in the household, according to men, while hens are valued for making good broth, according to housewives. For chicken soup, you’ll need:
– 1 homegrown chicken
– homemade vegetables
– 1 liter of homemade borscht
Housewives say that you can tell the quality and taste of a homegrown chicken. It’s evident when it’s naturally raised. Usually, the man slaughters the chicken, and the woman scalds it, plucks it, and cuts it into pieces for the soup. Mrs. Maricica mentions that it’s a superstition to give small pieces of chicken to cats and dogs, like a ritual offering after the sacrifice. The chicken is boiled until tender, and then the vegetables are added.