Giblet soup
Potroacă soup is commonly found in the Ciurbești village area. Elena Gogu and Valerica Slăbuțu say they first cooked it in their childhood. At that time, they learned several recipes that they still prepare today. In Ciurbești village, women have a strong tradition when it comes to preparing recipes. Many dishes are passed down from generation to generation.
During the communist period, they mainly prepared dishes for various events such as weddings, godparents’ gatherings, and funerals. The same recipes are found in many households, making them specific to the locality.
They know the potroacă soup by heart, just as they learned it from their mothers and grandmothers. Elena Gogu explains that she has never read any recipes, and everything she knows she learned in her childhood and by talking to other housewives in the village.
“I don’t need a clock when I cook. I know the time like that. I look into the pot and realize how much more is needed, what else is needed for the taste. The beans are boiled at a moderate heat. They are drained twice. Add onion, parsley, carrots, bell peppers, all finely chopped. It is important to finely chop the cabbage and boil it separately. Put an onion in oil and add a few tablespoons of tomato paste. Adjust the sourness with cabbage juice, to which you add a bit of borscht. The greens should be fresh. You will have a delicious potroacă, not just for fasting but regularly.”
– ½ kg white beans,
– 1 onion,
– 1 carrot,
– 1 bell pepper,
– 1 parsley root,
– ¼ of a pickled cabbage head,
– 1 cup of a little borscht,
– cabbage juice to taste.